Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Colombia Day 10 - Second Day Montezuma (15Aug2024)

On the last day at Montezuma, the plan was to focus on the second or lower half of the road we did the previous day and try to pick up some of the birds we missed.  To be honest, we could have spent another 3-4 days and not picked up all the possible birds.  The place is super deep in terms of diversity of species.

Beautiful Jay was our first bird of the day and was in horrible light.

Dusky Chlorospingus - apparently some of them have yellow eyes and some dark.

Some scenery and habitat shots.

It's easy to imagine how FARC was able to hide out in the jungle for so many years.

Flame-faced Tanager - our only chance at this bird and I missed the in focus shot.  

Yellow-collared Chlorophonia

Bronze-Olive Pygmy-tyrant

Same bird from below.

Ornate Flycatcher

Black-and-Gold Tanager - Another Colombian endemic!

Toucan Barbet!  These were extremely loud but were very difficult to see as they stayed way up in the canopy.  

Short-horned Grasshopper

Unidentified Beetle

Uniform Antshrike - we spent a ton of time trying to get good looks at a pair of these.  Photos were very difficult to obtain in the dark understory. This was the male.

And female.

I think this was called a Collared Trogon in the field, but now I see it is a Masked Trogon.  The bars on the tail are relatively thin and the bird has a nice mask.

Another sub-par shot of a Glistening-green Tanager.

Another Butterfly to ID later.

Masked Trogon male.

Scaly-throated Foliage-gleaner

Choco Vireo 

Moustached Puffbird

Lanceolated Monklet

White-capped Dipper

Russet Antshrike

Dinner was had back at the lodge and I picked up a couple good bird right outside the dining area just before and after.

Rufous-throated Tanager

Ashy-headed Tyrannulet

Rufous-gaped Hillstar - I had missed a photo of this bird when I saw it the previous day, so I was on a mission to get one.  This was taken almost at the very end of the day in horrible light.

The Blackish Rail came out again just before dark.

And was joined by a couple of cute chicks.

We had one more night at Montezuma before leaving early in the morning for another adventure which will be covered in another post.

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