Sunday, June 16, 2024

Kelp Goose (Chloephaga hybrida) - 28Feb2024

The Kelp Goose is also in the Chloephaga genus which means grass eating in Latin.   However, whereas the Upland Goose will go far inland in south Argentina, Chile and the Falklands, the Kelp Goose sticks to the coast in the same range.  As you can tell from its common name, it eats seaweed instead of grass.  I suppose seaweed is technically an aquatic grass so the Latin name for the genus still works.  We saw this species on our way out of the Beagle Channel in Terra Del Fuego but then got much better looks when Matt and I absconded from the Ushuaia hotel we were supposed to wait in for our flight home.  We were supposed to stay in the hotel due to COVID restrictions, but that was intended to protect the locals from tourists entering businesses.  Matt and I were only interested in the great outdoors and birds.

This goose rivals the Ross's Goose for the cutest goose in the world.

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