Thursday, April 8, 2021

Breeders! (30Mar-07Apr2021)

On the coast we don't get much in the way of neotropical migrants in the spring, but we do get plenty of local breeders and they are starting to filter in.

Some birds are also on their way out like this Bonaparte's Gull.

Laughing Gulls are coming in larger numbers and they are starting to live up to their namesake and yucking it up in preparation for courtship.  

Sunrises and sunsets are always great to see.

Some final Bonies, until next year my favorite of larids!

Meanwhile at Burnt Mill Creek things are greening up Little Blue Herons are enjoying some crawdads.

This Red-shouldered Hawk must be nesting nearby on the creek as I have seen it multiple times in the same spot.  Note the Bull Frog in its talons.

I always get my first of the year Prothonotary Warblers at Holly Shelter.

Prairie Warblers are singing their zippy song.

My first of the year Red-eyed Vireos were singing like crazy at the usual creek spot on Lee Buck Rd in Brunswick County. Audio in the checklist here:

Grumpy looking Purple Martin.

Palm Warbler

Parula Warbler


Wild Turkey

Here is a little story from last weekend...  It was a beautiful day so Melissa and I went for a long hike at Carolina Beach State Park.  No real birds to speak of but I had put my sunglasses on my head about 2-3 miles into the hike and bent over to photograph this cool lichen/moss which I still have to identify.  When I bent over I must have dropped my sunglasses and not noticed at the time.  Fast forward to when we were getting in the truck to leave, I noticed my sunglasses were no longer on my noggin.  They are not cheap so we decided to retrace our steps for the whole 2-3 miles, much of which was off trail in the leaf littered woods.  By some miracle we found them!  

Some kind of Lupine.

Carolina Chickadee

The most cooperative Ovenbird ever posed at a random side road near Holly Shelter on the south side.

Worm-eating Warbler

Painted Skimmer

White-eyed Vireo

Hooded Warbler

Common Yellowthroat


Cattle Egret on the side of College Rd in Wilmington.


BG Gnattie

Off to the mountains this weekend, wish me luck.

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