Friday, July 26, 2024

Sick's Swift (Chaetura meridionalis) - 12Aug2022

Yet another nondescript Chaetura swift that was identified mostly on where it was found and what time of year it was seen in.  To be honest I would have had a hard time identifying this if the guide we were with didn't call it.  I think he must have heard it too.  However, from what I understand, this is the only Chaetura swift found in the Pantanal in August and is the default.  Pantanal Brazil.

Vaux's Swift (Chaetura vauxi) - 01Jun2021

This very close relative to the Chimney Swift has very little overlap in range.  The Chimney mainly sticks east of the Rockies and the Vaux's are west of the Rockies. I photographed this Vaux's in Eugene Oregon where they are common. I was careful to check with Merlin on the sound ID. I think only one Chimney Swift has been documented in Eugene back in 2014 so I was fairly positive the ID.


Chimney Swift (Chaetura pelagica) - 11Oct2019

These very common swifts in North America can be seen in almost any suburban neighborhood as they take advantage of chimneys as a roosting site.  There are some roosting sites in North Carolina where thousands can be seen entering and leaving a chimney at dusk and dawn although I have yet to witness the spectacle.

White-collared Swift (Strepnoprocne zonaris) - 31Jul2019

One of the two largest swifts in the Americas, the White-collared Swift is hard to miss and maybe a tad easier to photograph than most of its cousins. I have seen them in a couple places but was only able to grab a few pics in Colombia.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Great Dusky Swift (Cypseloides senex) - 15Aug2022

These amazing birds which are found in South America famously roost behind waterfalls, sometimes flying right through the falls.  These ones were seen flying around the falls at Veu da Noiva in Chapada dos Guimaraes, Brazil.

They were roosting behind these falls.

Mexican Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus arizonae) - 05Aug2021

It seems strange that I got a serviceable picture of a Mexican Whip-poor-will before I have for an Eastern Whip-poor-will.  I still don't have one for the Eastern Whip! The below Mexican Whip was in Madera Canyon in Arizona and is also the only one I have heard whereas I have heard hundreds of Eastern Whips.  Somehow this one perched and didn't fly immediately when a light was put on it by someone else I was with.   


Nacunda Nighthawk (Chordeiles nacunda) - 15&22Aug2022

For some inexplicable reason this species was at the top of my list when I went to Brazil. I had missed them in Colombia in 2019 and I am a sucker for any bird in the goat-sucker family.  These nighthawks are huge as far as nighthawks go.  We first saw them in the southern Pantanal flying over a field on our way back after a long day of birding.  Then in the northern Pantanal we found a wet field full of them roosting in broad daylight!