Friday, May 18, 2018

Howling Woods (12May2018)

I LOVE Howell Woods.  Especially now that I have hearing aids I can crank up to hear the warblers.  The morning chorus at this patch of forest is amazing and has a primeval feel to it.  That is why I have re-christened it Howling Woods.  I had most of the birds for the year already so did not have any real targets but I could bird here every day if it wasn't over an hour's drive.

Swainson's Warblers were mostly skulking and none came out in good light.

The raspy voice of the Yellow-throated Vireo was almost always heard within earshot.

Eastern Wood-pewees were absolutely everywhere.

Summer Tanagers too.

I couldn't believe how many Kentucky Warblers there was....

Mississippi Kite was a year bird

Love the rufous in the wings.

Common Whitetail

Northern Pearly-eye

More Kentucky Warblers

Painted Skimmer

The Yellow-breasted Chats were not fully cooperating but I thoroughly enjoyed their antics.

This probably Needham's Skimmer was found back at Burnt Mill Creek back in Wilmington.

1 comment:

  1. Hey I know this spot!
    Awesome place, got the lifer SWWA and KEWA there within like 15 feet of each other.

    Looking forward to crushing again there!
