Here is a potpourri of photos from mid April through mid May. I always like to start out mid April with a trip to Governors and Lee Buck Roads in Brunswick County to hear some of the returning resident breeders like the Prothonotary and Prairie Warblers.
This Wild Turkey better watch its step as this is hunting lands..
Southern Pearly-eyes are best IDed by the color of their antennae (orange with no black tip).
Limonethe maurator - a species of wasp with very little information on the inter webs. For any of you budding naturalists, this would be a good one to study.
I always visit this particular side road off Governor's Rd to get my Northern Bobwhite fix.
Meanwhile at the north end of Wrightsville Beach, the Least Terns seem to be more successful this year as I haven't seen any Gull-billed Terns pillaging the nests.
I love the sand patterns the tide makes on the north end.
Greater Yellowlegs in snazzy breeding condition.
Short-billed Dowitchers also looking snappy.
Caspian Tern
Yellow-rumped Warbler at a new park for me, Pages Creek Park Preserve. This is a small peace of land off Middle Sound Loop on the north end of New Hanover County. It has great potential and I will definitely be checking it again during fall migration.
One evening Melissa and I went to see Spoon at the Greenfield Lake Amphitheater. I am not into big shows with billions of people, but I can have a great time at small venues like this local one. Spoon was awesome.
Red-cockaded Woodpeckers seem to be doing better at Holly Shelter now that target shooting has been banned in the gamelands. Before the ban, guys would show up with their military assault rifles and literally shoot trees until they fell down.
Prothonotary Warbler at Holly Shelter.
Eastern Kingbird
American Alligator
Mississippi Kites are back in full force in Wilmington and I am seeing them daily outside my house.
Someone found a Scissor-tailed Flycatcher at Fort Fisher and I couldn't resist.
Melissa has been feeling poorly lately including some chest pains and unfortunately the local docs haven't been doing a great job prioritizing the testing she needed so we ended up getting an appointment at Cleveland Clinic up in Ohio and flew up in the first week of May. My parents came and watched the dog and kids for us. The good news is that Melissa saw an awesome doctor up there and got the meds she needs to hopefully prevent recurrences of her heart troubles. We also got to take some time to explore Cleveland and I got a half day to check out the famous Magee Marsh near Toledo.
The weather was pretty horrible most of the time, but we made it to Wendy Park near downtown Cleveland on one of the first days.
Black-throated Blue Warbler - A big push of migrants was not in the cards for me, but there were some around. Apparently a couple days after we went back home a huge wave of warblers came in.
Blue-winged Warbler working the canopy at Wendy Park in the rain.
We ate at this sushi restaurant called Goma and it was awesome! I am always amazed when I have good sushi in landlocked places. Cleveland is on a lake but let's face it perch and whitefish are not usually considered prized sushi grade fish. Whenever I see pork belly dishes on a menu I can't restrain myself, so I ordered Pork Belly Tobanyaki. Tobanyaki is a cooking style using a ceramic plate which promotes even cooking. My dish was divine! The desert was even more amazing. Sometimes I wonder if it would be nice living near a major city if not just to have access to good restaurants and cultural attractions like museums. We also visited the Cleveland Museum of Art and it was stellar. They had Gaugins, a Dali, Monets and even the original Audubon painting of Peregrine Falcons!
Next to the Museum they also had a botanical garden which has an indoor section including jungle habitat. There were Ruddy Quail-doves and other cool birds but I didn't have my camera.
Banded Owl Butterfly
We were walking around and randomly found this building designed by Frank Gehry on the campus at Case Western University.
Red-breasted Merganser