Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Brazil Day 7 (15Aug2022) - Chapada dos Guimarães Part 2

After siesta we went out for walk at a nearby gallery forrest to try for some Manakins.  The hotspot was called Vale do Jamaca. 

Creamy-bellied Thrush was a new one for the trip.

Gray-headed Tanager

Golden-crowned Warbler

Sepia-capped Flycatcher

Silver-beaked Tanager - these are hard to photograph due to the color scheme and the way light hits the feathers.

Thick-billed Euphonia

Fulvous-crowned Scrub-tyrant - this little frenetic bird stayed deep in the bush and wouldn't sit still.

Red-rumped Agouti - basically a cross between a rat and a rabbit.  I vaguely remember eating one in the Caribbean but I can't be sure.  Perhaps on Grenada.  They are an introduced species there.

Female Band-tailed Manakin

Male Band-tailed Manakin - it was good to finally get a decent look at a male Manakin.  Up to now all the looks were either deep in the bush or of a drab female.  As the light faded we headed back to the Pousada and I went out on the property to eke out what light was left.

A Streaked Flycatcher was nice to add to the list.

I told Gretchen that getting photos of a Nacunda Nighthawk was at the top of my wishlist when we left for Brazil.  I never dreamed that I would do it on three separate occasions.  Usually getting photos of nocturnal species is difficult.  This was the second time the trip where I looked up at dusk to find this species.

Great times.

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